Sunday, June 7, 2009

I think this is my last blog here!!!!!

As what I consider to be my last blog I would like to invite you to visit Paul Getty Museum in Santa Monica. I volunteer there every Sunday, and it is a lot of fun. There is ample works of art to be seen, and it is a good place to spend the day. Bring the whole family, and eat a picnic lunch. Bring your own food or buy a delicious lunch from the cafeteria. If you are willining to spend more money, then make a reservation at the museum restaurant. Anyways, come and join the crowd. have fun. bring the kids. Bring your parents. There are wheel chairs and etc....or just bring your date...Anyways, the admission is free, and you only pay $6 for the parking. so what are you waiting for. it is art for art sake........ It has been nice being in this class with you all. Tony. Log Out.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

hello friends!!!!ready for a serious vacation????

Hello comrades:

This is Tony here, and I was wondering if any one you who happen to be reading this blog knows a computer class which is being offered this summer??? In fact, I am planning to take a follow up computer class this summer, and I was wondering if anyone could recommend one. I am not talking about a programming or super hi-tech class, but some thing in the line of this class or maybe a little easier or harder. I was working on my final for the other class today , and I am beat. I am heading out. We all are looking forward toward this summer. It pays to be computer savvy these days, which comes handy in just about any discipline. The 565 wrap up is my last class, and then there is my summer. care all. Tony.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Thank you note to Dr. Lia on behalf of our entire class!!

I am writing this to thank Dr. Lia on behalf of our entire TESL 565 class. This has been an absolutely fun class, and we all learned a lot about technology. I am even tempted to take more computer classes in the future. Dr. Lia made learning fun and easy, and I hope I have not let her down. The stuff we learned in this class has many applications in the field of education. Afterall, computers are not all that bad, and one has to know how to operate them by some means in this day and age. Anyways, I will not bore you any longer, and just wanted to thank Dr. Lia for all that she is doing for us all, and if Dr. Lia offers a second computer class I would gladly take it. Have a nice day all.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

So you want to teach ESL? Haaa!!!!!

Hello all:
I am glad now that you can view my blogg now. So you want to become a teacher? I think it is possible with hard work and a bit of luck. Teaching five years from now will be much more different than teaching a year ago, because we will have to deal with new technologies and pedagogies. I believe getting a PhD in applied linguistics takes too much time and effort, and it is not for everyone. I know that schooling is good for you, but let us face it too much schooling can be hazardous to your health. You need to live your life, have some fun, make a little money, contribute to society, and grow in multi-fasceted dimentions. Anyways, all I want to say is that some people want to just get multiple degrees, but brother the rest of us want to live a happy and simple life. If you are young and have the money and the grades go for a PhD I

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My memories from 2008

I remember I went to Santa Cruz on X-mas 2008 to be with my brothers. We had a lot of fun. I hiked with my oldest brother, and he gave me some good advise. As we were hiking he told me that I need to have character, be stable, not be angry, and learn to help myself. He is an amazing guy and I look up to him. He hikes through the trails almost every day, and Santa Cruz is the Mecca for hiking trails. He takes a drink and nuts with him during his trails, and he got a knife from my other brother as a gift in case there were mountain lions or home less attacking him. My brother worked as a Senior Design Electrical Engineer for over twenty years. Now he has salt and pepper hair, while I remember him with black hair. He is very smart, and follows all the news and the stock market very closely. He wakes up four in the morning to read the stock market news fresh off the press from New York.

My memories from X-mas 2008

It was the X-mas of 2008, and I had travelled to Northern California to spend some time with my brothers. I remeber My oldest brother took me to a hiking train in Santa Cruz, and we hiked for many hours. We hiked next to the ocean, and watched the sun go down over the ocean waves. My brother walked faster than me to the point that he dissapeared in the foggs ahead of me. I occasionally stopped for small breaks, but he was always ahead of me. It was night when we were hiking, and some people had set a small camp fire on the beach. I looked up and I saw a shooting star. We had hiked for four hours and we were very tired. That night I slept very well, and we hiked the next day also; but this time we went on a hiking trail which led to an abandoned farmhouse and hiking trails.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

greetings folks

I hope everyone is doing just fine. I will be ready to seize the day tomorrow. How is the job market for fresh people with M.A. in TESOL? wHEN DO YOU THINK THE RECESSION WILL END??THIS IS A TEST.

greetings readers

I hope my message finds you and finds you well. I enjoyed my academic year so far, and looking forward to taking my comps and practicum class on fall quarter. chao.

hi ho, the derrio

I am at my nephew's house, and we are having a conversation. I am looking forward to summer.
it might rain tomorrow, so remember not to forget to bring your umbrellas. How is everyone doing with the recent earthquake.

hi every one.

hi every one. I had a good day today, and I am very happy. I had a long day todad, and I am going to have a longer one tomorrow. I am looking forward to tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009



Monday, May 11, 2009

the sounds and the smells of the mother's day family gathering are still fresh in my mind!!!!!!

How daUGHTERS ARE BORN, AND THEY BECOME MOTHERS; THEN THEY pass away and open arena for new generations to come. THis is a test.

How my day went!!

I woke up, ate four eggs, did an assignment for a class, watched TV; and now I am preparing to go out. This is a test. Do not be alrmed. THis is only a test. Funny!!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hello Everyone

I had a blast this past mother's day. I went to my sister's house, where we had a family athering.
My brother came from San Jose, and my sister came from Glendale. We had a great time all together. We ate great food and enjoyed quality music. It was a great memory.